WIP (Work In progress)…
This is my personal guide for post install OpenSUSE with KDE for developing/hacking, everything as root…
First step… update your system and allow vendor change policy:
zypper update
sed -i 's/# solver.allowVendorChange = false/solver.allowVendorChange = true/g' /etc/zypp/zypp.conf
Now, install the following repos (depending on your needs):
# for google chrome:
zypper ar --refresh https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/rpm/stable/x86_64 Google-Chrome
# for google repos:
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub
rpm --import linux_signing_key.pub
# For security software:
zypper ar --refresh https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security/15.4/security.repo
# Graphics:
zypper ar --refresh https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/graphics/15.4/graphics.repo
# For Snapd:
zypper ar --refresh https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/system:/snappy/openSUSE_Leap_15.4 snappy
# For Codecs...
zypper ar --refresh -cfp 90 -n Packman https://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/openSUSE_Leap_15.4/ packman
Then, you may want to install snapd (many software is available trough snapd), proceed as follows, execute each one by one:
zypper install snapd
systemctl enable --now snapd
systemctl enable --now snapd.apparmor
Virtualization / Containers:
Here are many options for containerization/virtualization:
LXC (Containers):
zypper install lxc
QEMU Tools (manage virtual machine images):
zypper install qemu-tools
Win32 Binary Emulation (WINE):
zypper install wine winetricks
If you want to add a virtualization software, here is the recipe:
- VirtualBox For OpenSUSE: https://www.unmanarc.com/2022/11/installing-virtualbox-7-0-in-opensuse-15-x-or-tumbleweed-from-repo-and-uefi-secure-boot-enabled/
- Libvirtd (QEMU/KVM): https://www.unmanarc.com/en/2022/11/installing-libvirtd-in-opensuse/
Internet Tools:
Installing google-chrome (stable) as browser:
zypper install google-chrome-stable
zypper install transmission-gtk
Sysadmin tools:
Console Tools:
zypper install htop tmux dialog zenity ioping iotop lshw busybox
# ShInstallify (by me)
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unmanarc/shinstallify/main/shinstallify.sh -O /usr/bin/shinstallify.sh
chmod 0755 /usr/bin/shinstallify.sh
Network Tools:
zypper install iptstate iptraf-ng openvpn easy-rsa net-tools-deprecated bridge-utils telnet lftp stunnel wget whois
Disk, File & File Systems Management:
zypper install partclone gparted unetbootin filelight mc p7zip-full unrar k3b sshfs pv kpartx cifs-utils smartmontools mlocate dc3dd dd_rescue dd_rescue-crypt dd_rescue-lzo
Remote administration access:
zypper install virt-manager rdesktop remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-spice remmina-plugin-vnc remmina-plugin-exec remmina-plugin-xdmcp putty x3270 tn5250 vinagre vino krfb
Developer tools:
Visual Studio Code:
snap install code --classic
Android Studio & tools:
snap install android-studio --classic
zypper install android-tools android-tools-bash-completion
APK Tool:
snap install apktool
Debugging / Reversing Tools (for C++ and others):
zypper install strace ltrace gdb valgrind # radare2
Development basis for C/C++ (like g++, git and some useful libs) :
zypper install -t pattern devel_basis
zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++
zypper install poco-devel cmake3-full libboost_*1_66*devel jsoncpp-devel ninja
Development basis for C#/.NET:
zypper install -t pattern devel_mono
zypper install upx
Database Libs
zypper install sqlite3-devel postgresql-devel libmariadb-devel
Database Clients
zypper install sqlite3 pgadmin4 sqlitebrowser
AppImage Tools:
wget https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage -O /usr/local/bin/appimagetool
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/appimagetool
Security & Hacking Tools:
Password Management:
zypper install seahorse keepassxc yubikey-manager-qt apg
Encryption & Privacy:
zypper install veracrypt kgpg sweeper
Network tools:
zypper install nmap hping wireshark tcpdump tcpreplay # aircrack-ng
Other tools:
zypper install okteta dhex
Office & Multimedia tools:
zypper install libreoffice dia
# If you want additional language, like spanish (es), remove the # and execute:
# zypper install libreoffice-l10n-es
Scanner & Camera:
# Scanner apps:
zypper install skanlite xsane cheese
# Video4Linux:
zypper install v4l2loopback-kmp-default v4l2loopback-autoload v4l2loopback-utils v4l-utils
# PDF:
zypper install pdftk okular
Audio Control:
zypper install pavucontrol
snap install spotify
Image Manipulation:
zypper install ImageMagick kolourpaint gimp gimp-plugin-lqr # gimp-plugin-resynthesizer jpegoptim
# More nice stuff (latest Digikam, ART ), you can use the AppImage...
# - https://www.digikam.org/download/
# - https://bitbucket.org/agriggio/art/downloads/
# Vectorial:
zypper install inkscape
# More stuff
zypper install kipi-plugins
3D Models:
# Design:
zypper install blender freecad
# 3d printing:
zypper install cura
# Play:
zypper install vlc vlc-codecs mpv
# Creation:
zypper install vokoscreenNG kdenlive
# Plugins:
zypper install gstreamer-plugins-base gstreamer-plugins-good gstreamer-plugins-libav gstreamer-plugins-ugly # gstreamer-plugins-bad
Printer (HP):
zypper install hplip
Look and feel:
Common Drivers / Video Acceleration:
zypper install intel-vaapi-driver
If you have nvidia drivers, follow the official guide (in this case, I used G06, but depends on your videocard):
zypper ar --refresh 'https://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/leap/$releasever' NVIDIA
zypper install --auto-agree-with-licenses x11-video-nvidiaG06
zypper install nvidia-glG06
zypper install suse-prime bbswitch-kmp-default
zypper remove xf86-video-nouveau
zypper install xf86-video-intel
cd /etc/uefi/certs
for i in *; do mokutil -i $i; done
# This key is not installed by default in new systems, but bbswitch still uses it:
cd /tmp
wget https://rpmfind.net/linux/opensuse/distribution/leap/15.3/repo/oss/x86_64/openSUSE-signkey-cert-20210302-lp153.1.1.x86_64.rpm
rpm2cpio openSUSE-signkey-cert-20210302-lp153.1.1.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv
cd /tmp/etc/uefi/certs/
for i in *; do mokutil -i $i; done
# For switching the graphic card to the Integrated Card (eg. intel), execute as root:
prime-select intel
# now, logout from X and get back...
Other GUI Applications:
zypper install kwrite
Fonts & Look:
zypper install deepin-icon-theme fontforge menulibre papirus-icon-theme qt5ct bitstream-vera-fonts fetchmsttfonts